Dark's Tales

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Dark's Tales

Tales of a distant past

    The beginning


    Mensagens : 60
    Data de inscrição : 18/01/2023

    The beginning Empty The beginning

    Mensagem por Admin Qua Jan 18, 2023 7:27 pm

    Dark wakes up in a small bedroom feeling dizzy, confused and with a sharp pain in his head. He looks around but doesn't recognize anything.

    The beginning 2433537d3f137c3ca0cf0f2cc4a30c50

    - Where am I?

    Dark gets up and walks around the place, looking for something that gives him an idea of where he is and what is happening. As he walks around the place, he finds a door that leads to a small bathroom. As he enters the room, he sees his reflection in the mirror.

    The beginning Uchiha.Sasuke.600.1344053

    - What is going on...?

    Dark leaves the bathroom and opens the door of the bedroom. As soon as he puts one foot outside the room, he sees a tall blonde man leaning in the opposite wall.

    The beginning R

    - Hey, look who is finally up.
    - How are you feeling?

    Dark stares at the man, trying unsuccesfully to recognize him.

    - Who are you? What is this place? Why am I here?

    - I'm Windham. This is your bedroom, you live here. Don't you remember anything?

    Dark tries to remember anything but his memory is blank and he feels another sting in his head and winces a little.

    - No... I don't remember anything.
    - What happened to me?

    - You suffered an accident and hit your head pretty hard.
    - The good news is that the doctors said you'll make a full recovery and won't have any trauma.
    - The bad news is that you're probably never going to recover your memory.

    The beginning 68418630a10b31df2e55a532daac2c91

    - What...?

    Dark stays silent for a minute, Windham keeps looking at him waiting for his next words.

    - What should I do now?

    - Well, first of all we need to get you something to eat, you must be starving.

    The moment Windham finishes his sentence, Dark's stomach makes a loud noise confirming Windham's words. Windham gives a small laugh and puts his hand around Dark's shoulder.

    - C'mon kid. Let's go to the cafeteria have some breakfast.

    Dark has a strange sensation when he feels Windham's hand on his shoulder, he doesn't know if it is something good or bad, but the friendly aura of the man relaxes him a little and he follows him through the halls of the building they're in. As they walk, Dark sees doors just like the one of his bedroom, with name tags on top of them.

    - What is this place?

    - This is your dormitory. You live here, remember?

    - No.

    - Right... my bad.
    - I'll explain everything to you as soon as we eat something. I promise.

    Dark doesn't like the secrecy, but he remais silent for the moment and keeps walking with the man.

    Mensagens : 60
    Data de inscrição : 18/01/2023

    The beginning Empty Re: The beginning

    Mensagem por Admin Qua Jan 18, 2023 7:48 pm


    - So this place is a village called Konoha, you're a ninja and so am I?

    Dark asks Windham, trying to see if saying the words out loud helps him to remember something. He keeps staring at Windham waiting for a confirmation, holding a half eaten chicken leg with his right hand. Windham is seating opposite him, with his mouth full of food, he chews for a few seconds, swallows the food and answers him.


    - That's almost correct. You're not a ninja yet. Remember I've told you that the day you were going to take the exam, the village was attacked?


    - Right... and I'll have to take this exam again?


    - Yep. But, only after you finish recovering from your injury. The doctors said it'll take two more weeks for you to recover, when they clear you, you can retake the exam.


    - And what should I do until then?


    - Eat, sleep, do the physical therapy, rest and repeat.

    As they finish eating, Dark starts to feel tired.


    - I think it's time for you to go back to bed, C'mon I'll walk you back to your room.

    Dark doesn't say anything and follows the man. When they approach Dark's bedroom, Windham puts his hand on his shoulder.


    - I'll be back tomorrow to check on you and take you to physical therapy. In the meantime, get some rest. Alright?


    - Right...

    Dark opens the door of his bedroom, and before he closes it he looks at Windham and asks:


    - Before you go... tell me, what is my name?


    - Oh! Right, I almost forgot about that. Your name is Dark.


    - Dark? Just... Dark?


    - Yeah... a good part of the village was destroyed in the attack, and many documents were lost. Sadly, the information about you was among the destroyed data. And since you are an orphan, there's no way for us to know what is your family name. I'm sorry, Dark.

    Dark thinks about the information that Windham gave him earlier in the cafeteria.


    "I am an orphan, my parents left me in an orphanage and nobody knows who they are."

    The beginning 6153120d557bd256805342780eac9347

    Mensagens : 60
    Data de inscrição : 18/01/2023

    The beginning Empty Re: The beginning

    Mensagem por Admin Qua Jan 18, 2023 8:21 pm

    A month has passed since Dark woke up. During this time he has learned about the Shinobi World, Konoha and the other 4 great nations, chakra and what it means to be a ninja. As he gets ready to go meet Windham at the training grounds in the forest, he takes one more look into himself in the mirror, trying one last time to remember anything about his life, to no success.


    - Guess it's time to embrace the new normal.

    Dark leaves the bedroom and goes to the training grounds. As he reaches the place he finds two people there. Strangely enough, none of them is Windham. The man he was supposed to meet. The first one he looks at, is a boy around his age, yawning.

    The beginning 8dc143bb4a3044a1440b64ae61c5a508

    - Why do these things have to be so early...?

    Before Dark can say anything, he hears a female voice.

    The beginning 4b7228c41a678ce9f77c0ca6b73e96cb

    - You're late.

    Dark looks in direction of the voice, and sees a girl around his age as well, looking at him with a serious and slightly annoyed expression.

    The beginning OIP

    - What?


    - Is what the only word you know?
    - Great, I got the lazy guy and a monosyllabic moron. That's just fantastic.

    Dark can feel his anger rising as he starts to grind his teeth together.

    The beginning R.49360b4911e8a7352a774da3ee55a5d0?rik=Wsec6VPQn%2f3fTg&riu=http%3a%2f%2fimages4.fanpop.com%2fimage%2fphotos%2f22300000%2fsasuke-angry-naruto-shippuuden-sasuke-lovers-22339275-320-240

    - What did you just call me?

    Dark walks in the direction of the girl, until they are face to face. She was a few inches shorter than him, but didn't break eye contact. Staring at him with a serious look.

    - A monosyllabic moron, did I stutter?

    Before Dark could say anything, they all hear a voice coming behind them.

    The beginning Bc390298ef2a62c1a66a77bfa0399852

    - I see you kids are already bonding huh, that's great.

    Windham was standing in front of the three students, smiling.

    - Where did you come from?

    - From my house?
    - Anyway, Dark, Lux, Zinos. Now that you're all familiar with each other, we can get started.
    - See this kunai?

    Windham shows a 3 pointed kunai to them.

    The beginning 6997b2a52c226a1a87c9cd355d2e589d

    - The one who gets the kunai, becomes a Genin.
    - Begin!

    Windham throws the kunai on the ground and disappears amongst leaves.

    Konoha Shunshin no Jutsu (Técnica de Movimentação Rápida Entre Folhas)
    Descrição: Uma habilidade que permite o usuário se transporte de uma área a outra em meio a um véu de folhas.
    Necessário: Criar o véu de folhas;

    - Alright guys, so let's take a moment to think about how we ca-

    Dark runs in direction of the kunai, but before he is able to catch it Louise appears in front of him striking his stomach with her right palm.

    Dark feels the air leaving his lungs and before he can react Louise strikes him again with her left palm hitting his face.

    - Heh, did you really think it would be that easy to-

    Before Lux could finish her sentence, Dark hits her face with a spinning kick throwing her to the side.

    - You hit hard, I'll give you that.

    Lux brushes the back of her hand on her face to clean the blood that was falling from her split lip.

    - You haven't seen the half of it, but you will.

    Lux makes some hand signs and four clones appear around her. All 5 Lux run against Dark, moving from left to right all together, confusing him. The girls get two kunai from their pocket and they all throw the kunais at him. Dark jumps in the air to avoid the kunais and throws two steel lines filled with 5 shurikens each against Lux and her clones. All of the girls slide on the ground avoiding the shurikens by an inch.

    - Gotcha!

    Dark throws a kunai with steel line on the ground and pulls the line to give him more speed and he falls on top of one of the Luxes. However, instead of hiting her, Dark passes through and hits the ground.

    - What the-

    All the Luxes attack him with hand to hand combat. He evades some of the attacks, but they were too many for him to escape. However, when he was supposed to be hit by one of them, the attack passes through his chest.

    - They're not real clones?

    As soon as he finishes his line, one of the Luxes hits him on his right leg, dropping him to one knee.  All the Luxes surround Dark and attack him with a low kick. Dark protects his face with his arms, preparing himself for the kicks. However, once again they all pass through his body, when he opens his arms to unprotect his face, one of the Luxes hits him with a kick on the jaw lifting his body from the ground.

    The beginning R.9b6e2c36fcf3a3748fa9173c0e27dc6c?rik=Ng1YGvr0ufb%2buQ&riu=http%3a%2f%2f25.media.tumblr.com%2ftumblr_m6v2p9zGJx1r12d1bo7_250

    - Now you're done.

    Lux grabs his legs in the air and drops him on the floor, hitting a powerbomb.

    The beginning R.089c270e646f62bacf8c77c72d2726c6?rik=mW7tXhYzhxfpaQ&riu=http%3a%2f%2fpa1.narvii.com%2f5823%2ffb3be8688ef88556f4a88076a8bd1706efbb1527_hq

    When Dark hits the ground, he feels a shockwave running through his entire body, originating from his spine. On instinct, he grabs some dirt of the ground and throws it at Lux's face.

    - Aaaargh, you fucking cheater.

    As Lux scratches her eyes with her hands, Dark uses this opportunity to get up as fast as he can, ignoring the pain in his body and throws himself at her, hitting a lariat.

    The beginning Tenor

    Both fighters hit the ground, catching their breathes.

    - Ouch! These two are really not holding back.

    - Yeah, they're really into it huh?

    Windham was sitting on the branch of a tree behind Zinos, eating some popcorn.

    - By the way, you do realize that you also have to get the kunai, right?

    -  YeahI know, but I think they're not done yet and the more they hit each other, the less they hit me.

    - You have a good point. Popcorn?

    Zinos looks up and sees Windham eating popcorn while watching Dark and Lux get back up and starting to exchange blows once again.

    The beginning 9c15f557adbf428f322698bcd67b9e58


    Mensagens : 60
    Data de inscrição : 18/01/2023

    The beginning Empty Re: The beginning

    Mensagem por Admin Sex Jan 27, 2023 1:53 am

    -- Huh... that's interesting.

    -- What?

    Windham's voice was muffled by the huge amount of popcorn he had in his mouth

    -- Lux is clearly the best fighter, she's more skilled than Dark in hand-to-hand combat. His moves are sloppy and uncoordinated, which is the complete opposite of Lux. But...

    As Lux hits Dark with a punch in the guts and a knee to his face, Zinos takes out two cards of his pocket, pointing one to Lux, while she catches her breath.

    Nin Shiki Kaado (Cartões Espiões Ninja)
    Descrição:Você consegue ler o poder de seu adversário, sabendo exatamente quais são seus jutsus mais fortes, podendo se precaver. Geralmente essas informações são guardadas em cartas que você leva consigo.

    -- Hah, would you look at that. You're smarter than you look, aren't you?

    -- Huh... Thaaanks?

    Zinos looks at Lux's card, it shows all the jutsus she is able to use.


    Kekkei Genkai:

    Byakugan - 50 Metros
    A habilidade primária do Byakugan dá ao utilizador um campo de visão perto de 360º, exceto em um ponto cego na parte de trás do pescoço, por cima da primeira vértebra torácica. Após a ativação do dōjutsu, é concedido automático ao usuário uma visão de 50 metros de campo de visão em torno de si, que pode ser estendida a seu critério. O usuário do Byakugan tem a habilidade de enxergar através de objetos sólidos e assim pode ver através de seus oponentes, podendo atacar os Tenketsus (pontos de chakra) do adversário, sendo mais fácil de atingir um ponto vital. Além disso estes olhos dão ao utilizador um campo de visão perto de 360º, além de poder ver o fluxo de chakra.
    A  segunda habilidade é ser capaz de ver através de objetos sólidos, bem como algum grau de mira telescópica. Ele também pode ver através da maioria das barreiras, e outras coisas, como cortinas de fumaça, diferenciar entre clones não-corporais e pode ver através de técnicas que poderiam esconder um adversário de visão normal. A distância e o grau de mira telescópica varia de pessoa para pessoa, e pode ser melhorada através de treinamento.
    A terceira, e um dos maiores usos do Byakugan é a capacidade de ver o chakra, o fluxo de chakra, o sistema de circulação de chakra dentro do corpo com grande detalhe, bem como a cor do chakra.
    Causa: Visão do fluxo de chakra e enxergar através de objetos sólidos.

    Main Element: Fuuton

    No jutsus learned.


    Kai (Cancelar)
    Descrição: Um jutsu que cancela um genjutsu ou ainda usado para parar o seu fluxo de chakra.

    Bunshin no Jutsu (Técnica de Clones)
    Descrição: É um Ninjutsu que cria cópias não reais do usuário, que servem apenas para fins distrativos. É uma técnica de Rank bastante baixo já que é muito simples de diferenciar o usuário dos clones, que não tem sombra, por exemplo (o Bunshin no Jutsu cria hologramas do usuário).
    Nota: Jutsu inútil contra Doujutsus como Sharingan e Byakugan.
    Nota: Esses clones não podem atacar, são somente um modo de distração.

    Kawarimi no Jutsu (Técnica de Substituição)
    Descrição: Quando em perigo, o Ninja realiza os selos de mão para pré-ativar a técnica, e quando é atingido, faz com que algo leve o ataque em seu lugar (geralmente um tronco), e reaparece no lugar do objeto ou pessoa que usou para a substituição.
    Requisito: Narrar a substituição e a ocultação

    Henge no Jutsu (Técnica de Transformação)
    Descrição: Uma técnica ninja básica em que o usuário usa seu Chakra para assumir a forma física de uma pessoa ou de um objeto. A técnica é eficiente para espionagem, porém pode ser facilmente desfeita se o utilizador for atingido.
    Nota: Doujutsu consegue claramente ver por esse Jutsu


    Juuken Ryuu (Estilo do Punho Gentil)
    Descrição: O Juuken é o estilo de luta próprio e único do clã Hyuuga, tido como o taijutsu mais forte que existe. O Byakugan vê o fluxo de Chakra. O usuário do Byakugan se especializa em afetar esse sistema circulatório de Chakra. Como não se pode treinar essa parte do corpo, é impossível se defender. Membros mais talentosos vêem ainda os Tenketsus, pontos por onde o Chakra circula e é regulado, num total de 361. Eles fecham alguns desses Tenketsus, evitando que o oponente use Chakra. É muito fácil machucar os órgãos internos com o Juuken. Eles usam uma posição de batalha única, batendo apenas com a palma das mãos ou com os dedos, liberando Chakra, cortando o interior da pessoa.

    Juukenhou - Hakke Sanjuunii Shou (Área dos 8 Trigramas, 32 Pontos)
    Quando um oponente está dentro do círculo de ataque, campo de alcance (Hakke), o ataque começa. Com o Byakugan, o Shinobi pode ver os Tenketsus, que é onde ele ataca, para fechar 32 dos 361 Tenketsus, paralisando a circulação de Chakra por um tempo, e ferindo o interior do oponente ao utilizar o Chakra nos Tenketsus podendo causar um pequeno dano interno, por ser menos golpes.
    Condição: Byakugan Ativado;


    No jutsus learned.


    No jutsus learned


    No contracts made

    -- Impressive, even though she's not a Gennin yet, Lux is already able to activate the Byakugan. And, even use one of the famous Trigrams jutsus of the Hyuuga Clan.

    Zinos looks back at the fight. Dark is already back up and trading blows with Lux again, who seems to be getting more annoyed and tired as the fight goes on. Lux's hits are faster and more precise than Dark's. For every 10 attacks, she is able to hit at least 7, while he is able to hit 3. However, Zinos notices that the more they fight, Dark seems to adapt himself to her fighting style, being able to deflect more of her attacks and giving faster counter attacks. While also being able to tank many of her hits and keep going.

    -- Huh. Dark's attacks are becoming more coordenated and less sloppy the more they fight. Even though she has been hitting him much more than he is hitting her, he still has enough stamina to keep fighting. The more they fight, the better he gets.

    Zinos looks at the second card on his hand.


    Kekkei Genkai:

    Gogyou Fuuin (Selo de Cinco Elementos)
    Descrição: O ninja cria um selo elemental com os cinco dedos de uma mão (usando os elementos do fogo, água, terra, vento e raio). Orochimaru usou isso contra outro selamento ao existente em Naruto, criado pelo Quarto Hokage, impedindo a sincronia entre o chakra original de Naruto e o chakra da Kyuubi.
    Causa: Dark não consegue sincronizar o seu chakra para utilizar a sua Kekkei Genkai.

    Main element: Katon

    No Katon jutsus available.


    No Ninjutsus available.


    No Taijutsu available.


    No Genjutsu available.


    No Fuuinjutsu available.


    No invocation or jutsus available.

    Zinos looks at Dark's card with a surprised face.

    -- What the hell?
    -- Why is he-

    Windham gets down from the tree and takes the card of Zinos' hand.

    -- That's... interesting.

    Windham puts the card in one of his pockets, and changes the subject.

    -- Why do you think that Lux hasn't used the Byakugan yet?

    Zinos stares at Windham for a few seconds, until he lets out a sigh.

    -- My guess is that it drains a lot of her chakra, so it must be a last resource.

    -- Your perception skills are not bad at all, Zinos.
    -- But, what about your combat skills?

    Before Zinos is able to reply, they hear Lux's shout

    -- BYAKUGAN!

    Mensagens : 60
    Data de inscrição : 18/01/2023

    The beginning Empty Re: The beginning

    Mensagem por Admin Ter Jan 31, 2023 1:28 am

    The beginning R.890075ff71b608236a76cee257626e40?rik=YesIexPbPWhHzA&riu=http%3a%2f%2f31.media.tumblr.com%2ftumblr_mdogvoZal91riau57o1_500

    -- BYAKUGAN!

    Byakugan - 50 Metros
    A habilidade primária do Byakugan dá ao utilizador um campo de visão perto de 360º, exceto em um ponto cego na parte de trás do pescoço, por cima da primeira vértebra torácica. Após a ativação do dōjutsu, é concedido automático ao usuário uma visão de 50 metros de campo de visão em torno de si, que pode ser estendida a seu critério. O usuário do Byakugan tem a habilidade de enxergar através de objetos sólidos e assim pode ver através de seus oponentes, podendo atacar os Tenketsus (pontos de chakra) do adversário, sendo mais fácil de atingir um ponto vital. Além disso estes olhos dão ao utilizador um campo de visão perto de 360º, além de poder ver o fluxo de chakra.
    A  segunda habilidade é ser capaz de ver através de objetos sólidos, bem como algum grau de mira telescópica. Ele também pode ver através da maioria das barreiras, e outras coisas, como cortinas de fumaça, diferenciar entre clones não-corporais e pode ver através de técnicas que poderiam esconder um adversário de visão normal. A distância e o grau de mira telescópica varia de pessoa para pessoa, e pode ser melhorada através de treinamento.
    A terceira, e um dos maiores usos do Byakugan é a capacidade de ver o chakra, o fluxo de chakra, o sistema de circulação de chakra dentro do corpo com grande detalhe, bem como a cor do chakra.
    Causa: Visão do fluxo de chakra e enxergar através de objetos sólidos.

    As Lux activates her Byakugan her vision is amplified, being able to see in a distance of 50 meters, having a nearly perfect 360º view around herself, being able to see through objects and people - including their chakra points. This amplitude is still difficult for her to handle, so in order to keep her senses in order, Lux focus her attention only on Dark, ignoring Windham, Zinos and every other living creature around the forest.

    "I need to finish this and get what's mine."

    When Lux looks at Dark, she sees his points of chakra, and some kind of seal she cannot identify in the center of his body, compromising his flow.

    The beginning Main-qimg-8c843cc197913d97658a1a5c0973cf48

    -- What the hell is that?

    Lux's surprise upon seeing the anomaly in Dark's chakra points is enough to give him an opening to charge against her. Even though his body is visibly damaged, his breath slow and interrupted, Dark runs against Lux fast enough to catch her off guard, throwing one final punch at her face.

    The beginning Deku-gif-11

    -- Victory is MIN-

    The beginning Giphy.gif?cid=790b761118c59b38297b6eaa7c472a02012fdb89123e34b5&rid=giphy

    As Dark's fist gets close to hitting Lux's face, she composes herself fast enough to dodge the attack and taking advantage of their proximity she hits his right arm closing one of his tenketsu, making the arm drop numb to the side. Now that she was able to deflect his punch, Lux proceeds to hit Dark's chest, stomach, legs, and shoulders, with a final hit on his forehead, throwing him on the ground, defeated.

    Juuken Ryuu (Estilo do Punho Gentil)
    Descrição: O Juuken é o estilo de luta próprio e único do clã Hyuuga, tido como o taijutsu mais forte que existe. O Byakugan vê o fluxo de Chakra. O usuário do Byakugan se especializa em afetar esse sistema circulatório de Chakra. Como não se pode treinar essa parte do corpo, é impossível se defender. Membros mais talentosos vêem ainda os Tenketsus, pontos por onde o Chakra circula e é regulado, num total de 361. Eles fecham alguns desses Tenketsus, evitando que o oponente use Chakra. É muito fácil machucar os órgãos internos com o Juuken. Eles usam uma posição de batalha única, batendo apenas com a palma das mãos ou com os dedos, liberando Chakra, cortando o interior da pessoa.

    Juukenhou - Hakke Sanjuunii Shou (Área dos 8 Trigramas, 32 Pontos)
    Quando um oponente está dentro do círculo de ataque, campo de alcance (Hakke), o ataque começa. Com o Byakugan, o Shinobi pode ver os Tenketsus, que é onde ele ataca, para fechar 32 dos 361 Tenketsus, paralisando a circulação de Chakra por um tempo, e ferindo o interior do oponente ao utilizar o Chakra nos Tenketsus podendo causar um pequeno dano interno, por ser menos golpes.
    Condição: Byakugan Ativado;

    As Dark falls on his back, Lux's Byakugan deactivates, her vision starts to become blurry and she feels the exhaustion on her body threatening to make her fall as well.

    -- Not.. now..
    -- I've won..
    -- I've.. won..

    Lux starts walking towards the three pointed kunai on the ground, but she stops when her right ankle is held. She looks behind to see Dark's left hand holding her ankle still.

    -- Are.. you.. kidding.. me?

    Dark's still on the ground, with his left arm streched and with one of his kunai on his mouth, the one connected to others through the steel line.

    The beginning Animados-gifs-do-roronoa-zoro-de-one-piece-1

    -- Why.. won't.. you.. accept.. defeat?!
    -- You can't beat me, you can barely move!!
    -- I have beaten you!!!

    -- Y..eah
    -- But.. you.. haven't.. beaten him.

    Lux looks in the direction of Dark's eyes and sees Zinos standing a little closer to them, making a hand sign.

    The beginning C1eb08769b332f6a747ea6749be7bc8c

    -- The slacker?
    -- Are you serious?
    -- This is your last card? Him?!
    -- I'll get the kunai before he can get close to me, and even if he's able to do it, I'm pretty sure I can still kick his ass. Just like I kicked yours.
    -- You. Can't. Win.

    -- Yeah...
    -- But I can hold you long enough to give time for the slacker to win.

    -- And you think a hand and a kunai on your mouth will be enough to help him, defeat me?

    -- Huh... Just how bad is my reputation around the academy?

    Lux thinks about her next moves, first she is going to stomp on Dark's hand until she breaks it, then she is going to take the kunai of his mouth and throw it at Zinos. Since it is connected his other kunais, he will have to jump to escape them - just like her. That's when she'll throw Dark's body against him in the air. Buying her enough time to get the kunai, without having to engage in another direct combat. Because whether she likes to admit it or not, Lux is not sure if she's able to stay standing enough to defeat the slacker in hand to hand combat.

    "Victory. Is. Mine."

    As Lux is about to make her move, she notices that her body isn't moving, she's frozen in place.

    "What the hell?
    He can't be that strong, I've closed 32 of his tenketsu and beat him enough to make sure he wouldn't be able to-"

    Lux notices that her shadow is connected to Dark's shadow, which is connected to the kunais' shadow that are connected to Zinos' shadow.

    -- Slacker?
    -- Wait, which clan do you belong to?
    -- WHICH ONE?!?!

    The beginning 3bc02af29139da8ce1c114af29880f4fe9f0adf5

    -- We may not be as famous or strong as you Hyuugas, but we are definitely more patient.
    -- And...

    Zinos starts walking towards the three pointed kunai, with Lux walking and Dark crawling with his good arm on the ground to the same direction. As the three reach the kunai, Zinos, Lux and Dark touch and grab it at the same time.

    -- Smarter.

    The beginning Shikamaru-nara-wink

    Ninpou - Kage Mane no Jutsu
    (Arte Ninja - Técnica da Possesão da Sombra)
    O membro do Clã Nara projeta sua sombra até a sombra do alvo, e ao se encostarem as duas sombras o alvo do membro do Clã Nara imitará todos os seus movimentos, ou seja, se o membro do Clã Nara levantar seu braço esquerdo o alvo também levantará seu braço esquerdo, contra a sua vontade. Essa técnica, assim como todas as outras do Clã Nara, tem por objetivo manter o inimigo aprisionado até a equipe de apoio chegar.

    Conteúdo patrocinado

    The beginning Empty Re: The beginning

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      Data/hora atual: Seg Set 30, 2024 4:16 am